Final Rules for Inherited IRA Owners in a Post-SECURE Act World

Between now and 2045, Cerulli Associates estimates that more than $80 trillion in wealth will be transferred from the Baby Boomer generation to their heirs. It is understandable to assume some of those assets will be in the form of retirement accounts such as IRAs, Roth IRAs and 401(k)s. With the enactment of the SECURE … Continued

Initial Steps to Take for Widows

The death of a spouse can be one of the most stressful events you’ll ever experience. Even if it is expected after a long illness and you’ve left nothing unsaid, it can be a time of great sadness and mourning. Unfortunately, for many surviving spouses, the pain can be compounded by the stress of decision … Continued

2025 Gifting Opportunities

The start of a new year is a great time to revisit on your existing financial plan and to determine if there are opportunities to make changes.  For example, with the rise in the S&P 500 over the last couple of years, you may find yourself in a position to be more generous with your … Continued

The Flexibility of the California Uniform Directed Trust Act

The need to identify an individual or group of individuals to step in down the road as your successor trustee can be a daunting exercise. Some clients prefer to name a private fiduciary or corporate trustee in the place of a family member or friend for these reasons:  • Appointing a corporate trustee alleviates family … Continued

Caring for Our Feline and Canine Companions

The Covid pandemic was disruptive and even catastrophic in many ways. One of the few positive developments during the pandemic was the emptying of animal shelters as we were all homebound and craving companionship. For most lucky pets (and humans), the attachment with their humans has continued post-pandemic. While pet insurance has been around for … Continued

The Advantages of Exit Planning: Secure Your Legacy and Maximize Your Wealth

As a Certified Exit Planning Advisor™ (CEPA), I am committed to helping my clients navigate the complex world of business transitions and secure their financial legacies. I want to shed light on the pressing need for exit planning by sharing some eye-opening statistics and highlighting the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead. Let’s delve into the … Continued

End-of-Life Planning

While no one wants to think about their mortality, end-of-life wishes are an essential part of estate planning. This type of planning gives you the opportunity to explicitly state what you do and—perhaps more importantly—don’t want. Advanced planning includes writing down your wishes and discussing them with friends, family, and doctors to help prevent potential misunderstandings … Continued