Exchange Ideas

In many parts of the country—including the Bay Area—house prices have increased dramatically over the past few decades, leading to significant wealth accumulation. Many people have been nicely rewarded by simply owning a house for a long time while often raising a family and staying put in the same neighborhood and local schools. But at … Continued

Accessory Dwelling Units – A Quick Guide

July 20, 2023 There are countless reasons for building an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) on your existing property. Defined as a self-contained residential unit located on the same lot as an existing single-family home, these units can be ideal for many scenarios. From creating a separate space for loved ones or a live-in nanny, accommodating … Continued

Avoiding Home Mortgage Occupancy Fraud

July 18, 2023 2022 saw a dramatic rise in interest rates, including rates on home mortgage loans. The rise was so swift that many potential home buyers were quickly priced out of the market. As the mortgage landscape has shifted from the historically low rates that we all have enjoyed these past few years, it … Continued

Risky Business

July 18, 2023 Despite the growing list of issues that seem to separate California and Florida these days, there is one area that they have very much in common… severe and widespread natural disasters, and especially the adverse financial impact that these events are having on the availability of homeowners insurance. From extreme wildfires in … Continued

Top Things to Know Before Retiring Abroad

July 13, 2022 When you consider your future retirement, you may have specific ideas and preferences in mind. Perhaps one such preference is retiring in another country. While doing so can be full of fascinating possibilities and great happiness, there are specific things to be keenly aware of when structuring your successful retirement plans. • … Continued

Dual Residency

November 2, 2021 Dual residency is for many an excellent way to get the most enjoyment out of your assets. Having two homes in different parts of the country allows for maximum freedom in your lifestyle, and perks abound, depending on your interests. Select the location of your second home to take full advantage of … Continued

Dreams for Sale: Considerations Before Buying a Vacation Home

July 30, 2021 Vacation living can be fabulous. The stress of daily meal preparation, schedules and work commitments fade away, allowing you to reconnect with family and friends in a way that can be challenging to do in your regular life. As soon as you return home from a great vacation, it is common to … Continued

Renting Out the Family Vacation Home

If you own a family vacation home in the mountains of Tahoe or anywhere else in the country or world, congratulations! The incredible memories made during family getaways can truly last a lifetime for so many generations. Since they are only used occasionally, many family homes sit unoccupied for the majority of the year, providing … Continued

Opportunity Zones: What Are They and When Should I Care?

What are they? Opportunity Zones were created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). According to the IRS, an Opportunity Zone is “an economically-distressed community where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment.” States and territories were quick to take advantage of this chance to encourage local … Continued

Home Swapping in Paradise

Gorgeous weather, fantastic food and easy access to both the mountains and beaches make Northern California an extremely attractive place to live and one of the most popular vacation destinations in the world. For homeowners who like to travel and are looking to trim their vacation budget, or simply want a unique travel experience, the … Continued