The Importance of the Family Meeting

When Gloria Vanderbilt, the great-great-granddaughter of a railroad tycoon with significant wealth, passed away this summer at age 95, the subject of her fortune and the family drama of her childhood was brought up in every article I read. While I was certainly aware of these sad details of her early life, as a child … Continued

Financial Considerations for Navigating Divorce Later in Life

A major dilemma with navigating the divorce process is that it forces a person into an extremely emotional and gut-wrenching situation, and yet also requires extremely logical decision making to avoid major financial and legal mistakes. A quote by Winston Churchill – who was in the thick of trying to save his country while under … Continued

Initial Steps to Take for Widows

The death of a spouse can be one of the most stressful events you’ll ever experience. Even if it is expected after a long illness and you’ve left nothing unsaid, it can be a time of great sadness and mourning. Unfortunately, for many surviving spouses, the pain can be compounded by the stress of decision … Continued