Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Most people are familiar with the popular 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz. Far fewer, however, are familiar with the deeper storyline of the original book written in 1900 by Frank Baum as both a children’s novel and a parable about money reform in the late 1800s.  It also addresses the corresponding Midwestern political movement … Continued

Investment Fatigue and You: Why You Won’t Read This Article

“It is tedious to tell again tales already plainly told.” – Homer, The Odyssey The ancient Greeks were great storytellers.  That tradition continues to this day – for better and, unfortunately, for worse – as the world has witnessed over the last several years.  We fear that just as King Odysseus faced obstacles and headwinds … Continued


“It was on this day when a solemn vow was made that the peacock became the great object of admiration, and whether it appeared at the banquet given on these occasions roasted or in its natural state, it always wore its full plumage … before all the assembled chivalry … and each made his vow … Continued

Unusual Circumstances

“His mind now misgave him; he began to doubt whether both he and the world around him were not bewitched. Surely this was his native village which he had left but the day before. There stood the Kaatskill mountains–there ran the silver Hudson at a distance–there was every hill and dale precisely as it had … Continued