A New Approach to Roth Funding for High Income Earners

A New Approach to Roth Funding for High Income Earners

High income earners take notice: you might be missing out on a lucrative savings opportunity within your Traditional 401(k). Most savvy savers assume that once they reach the statutory maximums on tax deferred contributions they have contributed all they can to their tax-advantaged retirement plan. However, in 2014, the IRS1 clarified the process by which individuals can contribute more dollars than the standard tax deferred maximum to their Traditional 401(k) via after-tax contributions. Furthermore, you will be able to eventually roll these additional contributions into a Roth IRA when you change jobs or retire. The concept of funding a Roth IRA has been foreign to high wage earners since they are typically disqualified from contributing due to income limits. But since income ceilings do not disqualify you to participate in a Roth 401(k), until recently, this was the only way for a high earner to take advantage of a Roth plan. By employing the following strategy, you can set yourself up to accumulate additional Roth assets, and all the tax benefits they provide.
To pursue this strategy you must first verify that your employer’s plan allows for after-tax contributions. If so, here’s how to get the most out of your plan: First, maximize your standard IRS contributions of $18,000 pre-tax dollars per year or $24,000 if over age 50.2 Then, since the IRS limits total 401(k) contributions (employee plus employer) to $53,000 per year ($59,000 if over age 502), contribute the difference between the employee/employer combined contribution, and the age-based IRS contribution limit. Keep in mind that while you are employed, any tax deductible contributions plus all earnings in the Traditional 401(k) are considered pre-tax funds, eligible for rollover into a Traditional IRA when you change jobs or when you retire. These funds are also taxable as income when you finally take money out of that IRA. Your after-tax contributions (which are not deductible as you contribute them) will be eligible to be rolled over into a Roth IRA and will be subject to no taxation when you withdraw, assuming you are over 59 ½ .
When you part ways with your employer, the plan administrator will generate two rollover checks rather than one:
  • The first check for the dollars you contributed on an after-tax basis to deposit into a Roth IRA. Since you already paid the tax prior to the initial contribution, these funds cannot be taxed again. Plus, all future earnings will grow tax free.
  • A second check for the balance to deposit into your Traditional IRA, as you would with any standard 401(k) rollover. All funds will continue to grow tax deferred and your future withdrawals will be taxed as income.
If your employer provides all three options – Traditional 401(k), Roth 401(k) and after-tax contributions – there is a great way to maximize your overall savings: First fund your Roth 401(k) with the standard IRS limit plus employer match. Then, use after-tax dollars to fund the Traditional 401(k) with the remainder balance, not to exceed $53,000/$59,000 in aggregate. Remember, the IRS maximum applies to all plan types (Traditional and Roth) and funding sources (you and your employer). So make sure the cumulative of all contributions remain at or below the IRS age-based contribution maximum.
When used correctly, this strategy will afford those with sufficient resources the opportunity to save additional dollars in a tax efficient manner. While there is no immediate tax benefit to overfunding with after-tax dollars, the power of tax deferred and eventually tax free compounding over the arc of one’s career can be significant. As with any strategy, first consult your tax advisor and Sand Hill Wealth Manager to evaluate if this approach makes sense for you.

1 https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-54.pdf


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