From Stealth Bear To Big V

From Stealth Bear To Big V

Sand Hill hosted its first annual Forum back in early 2009 during the depths of the most severe financial crisis in generations, in order to provide timely insight and information to help address that difficult period. We have since then tackled other important related topics, ranging from risk management to behavioral finance to identity theft. This January, we returned to our roots in welcoming Jurrien Timmer, Director of Global Macro at Fidelity Investments, as our featured speaker to address the considerably volatile current state of the capital markets.

At the time of Jurrien’s remarks, the broad equity markets were already down substantially in the New Year, and yet it was unclear to him why the markets were “so sour”, in his words. He did recognize somewhat “esoteric reasons” for concern, including perhaps the most profound being policy diversions between the US and China; but economically-speaking he did not feel too anxious about China, even if that country’s growth rate is significantly lower than previously assumed. However, he did express concern about the potential for future liquidity problems.

This liquidity issue primarily involves China’s currency, the Yuan, which is pegged to the dollar. Thus, any interest rate tightening in the US causes the Yuan to rise, which in turn makes it overvalued. Coupled with any economic slowing, this could result in capital flight with wealthy Chinese pulling money out of the country. So, in his opinion, it is reasonable why Chinese officials want to devalue the Yuan and it is also understandable why they should want an orderly and controlled decline.  In essence, the US and China (as well as the rest of the global economy) are very much inter-related and co-dependent, and both countries need to “thread the needle” – with the Federal Reserve tightening rates ever-so-slowly and carefully, and the Chinese easing and devaluing the Yuan in similar fashion.

Jurrien also commented on the classic “paradox of thrift” behind the recent decline in oil prices. Contrary to common belief, the financial relief from low-priced oil is not leading to greater immediate overall consumption, but it is enabling personal debt reduction in US households which, in turn, should provide longer-term benefits. Rhetorically, Jurrien also asked, “Are we in a bubble?” No, he answered. In his opinion, valuations are reasonable, and low interest rates also help justify prices. Indeed, he said, we find ourselves in stealth bear market mode not unlike 1994 when the Fed tightened and a sideways market masked significant declines in the average stock. While likely remaining choppy for all of his stated concerns, he felt we could see more widespread market recovery in due course, which explains the title of his talk, “From Stealth Bear to Big V”.

It is Jurrien’s belief that if the Fed continues to listen to the market, then maybe they will tighten less than their recently stated plan.  Fewer rate increases this year (or possibly none), would slow the dollar’s appreciation and, by extension, the Yuan, which could serve to stabilize things in China. Finally, he closed by saying, “Don’t succumb to the ‘fight or flight’ response” which is ever-present in the capital markets. Instead, he emphasized the importance of personal financial and investment planning and the associated discipline to stick with such plans.

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